I’ve been having a strange situation with my phone lately. I had this one number that I blocked a while back, but I’ve recently decided I want to unblock it. I followed the steps to unblock it on my Android device, but it seems like the number is still blocked! I keep missing important calls, and it’s super frustrating.
Here’s what I did:
Accessed the Call Settings: I went to the settings on my phone and found the blocked numbers section.
Unblocked the Number: I removed the number from the block list, and I thought everything was good.
Restarted My Phone: Just to ensure it would register the changes.
However, despite having unblocked this number, whenever they try to call, I still don’t get any notifications. It’s like the number is still blocked!
Things I’ve Tried:
Double-check Block List: I went back to see if it was still there, but it’s not.
Cleared Cache: I even cleared the cache for my Phone app in hopes that might help.
Contacted Service Provider: They said everything looks fine on their end.
I’m at a loss here! Has anyone else faced a similar issue? What steps did you take to resolve it?
I’d really appreciate any tips or troubleshooting steps you might have to help me figure this out. Thanks in advance for your help!
I totally get it! Sometimes, even after removing a number from your blocked list, it may still seem blocked. It usually has to do with your device or network settings.
That’s an interesting thought, idorsey. Some carriers automatically filter numbers that are frequently blocked by other users. It’s a good idea to check with your provider.
I had a similar issue last month when I tried to unblock my friend. I found that deleting and reinstalling the contact from my phone helped reset the settings.
I once had an issue with a third-party app that blocked contacts without informing me. Make sure you don’t have any extra blocking apps installed that could be causing this!
Just to add, sometimes the phone’s software can glitch after an update. I recommend checking for any pending updates and see if that makes a difference.